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Cyber Threat Intelligence
(CTI) Service

 Stay one step ahead where intelligence meets security with our Cyber Threat Intelligence service. With our team of experts, we research cyber environments 24/7 to provide you with top-notch threat intelligence, enabling you to make informed decisions and protect your organization against even the most advanced threats.

What is Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Service?

The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service is a key component of the comprehensive cybersecurity consulting strategy offered by InfinitumIT. CTI is the process of collecting, analyzing and disseminating information about current and potential cyber threats to an organization. The goal of CTI is to provide the information organizations need to proactively defend themselves against cyber threats and minimize their exposure.


The InfinitumIT CTI service works in the fields of open source intelligence, technical analysis and human intelligence to gather information about current and emerging cyber threats. The information is then analyzed and packaged into actionable intelligence that can be used by our organization to improve security postures and respond more effectively to threats.

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Service Scope

The InfinitumIT CTI service aims to provide organizations with a comprehensive view of the current and emerging cyber threat landscape, including information on the latest threat trends, tactics and techniques used by cybercriminals.

Network security

Network security is one of the most critical components of an organization. The Purple Team Service helps you strengthen your organization's network by performing network security tests.

Threat Identification

The CTI service helps organizations identify and prioritize potential cyber threats by collecting and making sense of new and ongoing attacks, as well as emerging threats and trends. 

Evaluation of Vulnerabilities

The CTI service provides organizations with information about known vulnerabilities and the potential impact of exploiting these vulnerabilities. This helps organizations prioritize improvement efforts and reduce their exposure to risks.

Threat Analysis

The CTI service should provide in-depth analysis of specific cyber threats, including information about the motives and tactics of threat actors, and the tools and techniques used in the attack.

Industry-Specific Threat Information

The CTI service should provide organizations with industry or industry-specific information, including information on emerging threats and best practices for defense.

Incident Response Support

The CTI service should provide organizations with support and guidance, including information on how to respond effectively in the event of a cyberattack to minimize damage and minimize the risk of future attacks.

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Why InfinitumIT Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Service?

Our Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service will cover all aspects of incident response, giving you a complete solution to protect your business from cyber attacks.

Real Time Monitoring

With the InfinitumIT CTI service, your network is constantly monitored, potential hazards are detected immediately and damage is minimized. The InfinitumIT CTI service promises 24/7 protection and trust.

Threat Awareness

The InfinitumIT CTI Service provides organizations with comprehensive and up-to-date information on the latest cyber threats, enabling them to stay current in the world of technology and take proactive measures to protect their systems and data.

Early Detection

The InfinitumIT CTI service minimizes the impact of a successful attack, enabling organizations to detect potential cyber threats early and respond quickly.

Cost Savings

The InfinitumIT CTI Service helps organizations avoid costly security breaches and minimize the impact of an attack. Provides organizations with a clear understanding of the cyber threat landscape, advising them to make informed decisions on how to allocate their resources to protect their critical assets.

Who Can Get This Service?

Medium and large enterprises & SMEs

E-commerce sites and software development companies

Businesses that do not have employees experienced in cybersecurity

Compliance requirements such as the financial sector
natural businesses

Why Should You Get a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Service?

Strategic Decision Making

Thanks to the InfinitumIT CTI Service, organizations will quickly make strategic decisions on cyber threat prioritization, response and taking preventive measures. You will never feel alone as an institution with monitoring and suggestions provided 24/7 by an expert staff. 

Analysis of Trends

InfinitumIT CTI Service helps to analyze current and future trends in the field of cyber threats and to prepare organizations in accordance with these trends. Thus, you will always be up-to-date in the internet world and you will have an idea for future threats.

Development of Measures

The InfinitumIT CTI Service helps organizations identify deficiencies and opportunities for improvement in existing security measures. Specially structured suggestions are provided for your institution with its expert staff. So you can optimize your own safety.

Business Continuity

InfinitumIT CTI Service helps organizations to be prepared for cyber threats and minimize the impact of cyber attacks, helping to protect business continuity. It minimizes the risk of interruption from cyber attacks or data loss.



For all your questions, you can call us at +0850 800 1483.

How does the InfinitumIT CTI Service help organizations improve their cybersecurity positions?

The InfinitumIT CTI Service provides early warning of emerging and evolving cyber threats, allowing organizations to take proactive measures to prevent or mitigate a potential attack. enable them to allocate effectively.

What kind of information is included in the InfinitumIT CTI report?

The type of information included in the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) report may vary depending on the specific needs of the organization and the scope of the CTI service. However, some common types of information that can be included in a CTI report are: Threat Indicators, Threat Actor Profiles, Vulnerability Assessments, Attack Methodologies, Industry Trends, Best Practices and Recommendations

How is CTI information collected and analyzed?

InfinitumIT Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) information is collected and analyzed through a combination of human and machine-based methods.

Can the CTI service be customized for an organization's specific needs?

Yes, the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service can be customized for an organization's specific needs. The InfinitumIT CTI service often offers a range of services and options that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of different organizations.

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