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Business Logic Weaknesses

What is Business Logic? Business Logic is translated from English to Turkish as Business Logic. The rules for processing and interpreting the data of an existing application are called business logic. How Do Business Logic Vulnerabilities Occur? Business logic vulnerabilities, like most other vulnerabilities, occur when the data received from the user is not sufficient.


Faydalanılan Kaynaklar: ANAHTAR KELİMELER APT (Advanced Persistent Threat (Gelişmiş Kalıcı Tehdit): Gelişmiş kalıcı tehdit (APT) kavramı, saldırganın bir ağa erişim kazandığı ve uzun süre boyunca tespit edilemeyen hedefli bir siber saldırıdır. Devlet destekli

What is Security Operations Center (SOC)?

What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)? SOC (Security Operation Center) is a central location where information security teams monitor, detect, analyze cyber security incidents and improve the cyber security situation. The aim is to improve the cyber security of the organization by using various combinations of technological solutions.

Threat Simulation with Miter Caldera

What is Miter Caldera? Caldera, which is based on an ATT&CK project; generates plans during the operation using an attacker's techniques, tactics and attack patterns. These features allow Caldera to run on a range of systems using variable behavior. This makes it easier to understand how attackers carry out transactions.

Computer Forensics Service

Computer Forensics Service is a cyber security service that aims to use electronic data as evidence in legal cases. Before touching on the details of the digital forensic services we provide as Infinitum IT, we need to answer the question of what is digital forensics.

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