Brute Force attacks are one of the most common and simple methods used by hackers to crack passwords. This method allows many users to easily decrypt their passwords and access their information. These types of attacks can be used to access users' online accounts, bank accounts, private files, and even company data. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect against Brute Force attacks in terms of computer security. In this article, you will learn what Brute Force attacks are, how they are performed, and how you can protect yourself against such attacks.
What is Brute Force?
A Brute Force attack is a trial and error method where hackers work through all possible combinations, hoping to guess correctly. These attacks attempt to guess encryption keys or find a hidden web page, using overly powerful attempts to access private accounts. Although this attack method is old, it is still popular and can take anywhere from a few seconds to years to crack, depending on the length and complexity of the password.
What Does Brute Force Do?
Brute force attacks are a basic attack method that hackers can use to gain access to a system or account. This attack method specifically targets accounts with weak passwords (many different types of accounts, such as social media accounts, email accounts, bank accounts, online shopping accounts, webmaster accounts, and other online accounts) and tries to find the correct guess by trying all possible password combinations. purposes.
A hacker can collect information about the target account, such as usernames or email addresses, and then try to come up with the correct guess by trying all possible password combinations. This attack method constantly performs trial and error until it finds the correct guess and attempts to discover the password required to gain account or system access.
Brute force attacks can also be used to access protected information, such as encryption keys or hidden web pages. However, since such attacks are time and resource intensive, more advanced attack methods can also be used, depending on the value of the target.
How to Perform a Brute Force Attack?
Brute force attacks are attempts by hackers to crack the password on an account or system by trying all possible password combinations to gain access to it. The first step is to determine the username or ID of the targeted account or system.
Next, hackers begin trying out password combinations based on any information that is available to somehow gain access to the targeted account. These combinations can consist of combinations of different types of characters, such as numbers, letters and symbols.
Hackers often use programs to automate this attack. These programs are designed to quickly try all password combinations automatically. Attackers also try to increase their password cracking probability by using different strategies, such as incorporating popular words and birth dates from different languages and cultures.
This type of attack continues until the targeted account or system is compromised. Depending on the length and complexity of the password, this process can take anywhere from a few seconds to years. Hackers can extend brute force attacks by also trying to obtain encryption keys, hidden web pages, or other sensitive information.
The YouTube video below shows an example of a real Brute Force attack and shows how dangerous such attacks can be. You can learn more about Brute Force attacks by watching this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CMBoJ60K1A The video should be added as an embed within the article. You can get an embed code on the video page or test whether WordPress automatically converts it to a video view.
Brute Force Attack Types
1. Dictionary Attack
A dictionary attack is an attack aimed at cracking the password of an account or system entry by automatically guessing the password using a word list or dictionary file. Attackers carry out this attack using information such as username and e-mail. Dictionary attacks are highly effective when passwords are weak or predictable. To protect against such attacks, longer and more complex passwords should be used, and security measures such as locking accounts after multiple incorrect login attempts should be taken.
2. Simple Brute Force Attack
A simple brute force attack is an attack to guess a password or ID using a limited list of words or character set. However, this attack method can be effective in situations where encryption and security measures are weak. Attackers try to guess the correct password by automatically trying possible combinations of passwords that can be used on the target account or login to the system. However, simple brute force attacks are unlikely to be successful because a very limited list of words is usually used and the number of attempts is also limited. Therefore, attackers try to crack passwords using more advanced brute force techniques or other attack methods.
3. Hybrid Bture Force Attack
Hybrid Brute Force attack is a password or credential guessing attack that combines different techniques. This attack is more effective than simple brute force attacks because attackers guess passwords using multiple techniques. Attackers develop brute force attacks using different word lists and character sets. A Hybrid Brute Force attack can be effective even when encryption and security measures are stronger. Users should protect themselves by taking precautions such as using more secure passwords, taking other security measures such as two-factor authentication to protect their accounts, and changing their passwords regularly.
4. Reverse Brute Force Attack
Reverse Brute Force Attack is an attack method that attempts to take over accounts by using users' other information rather than guessing passwords. Using a known piece, such as usernames or email addresses, attackers attempt to guess the password by gathering other information from sources such as social media, blogs, or workplace information. This attack method can be effective even with stronger encryption and security measures. Users should protect their accounts by taking security measures such as two-factor authentication and carefully control the information they share in their online accounts.
5. Credential Recycling
Credential Recycling attack is a method of capturing credentials such as username and password previously used on another platform and automatically using them in different online accounts to take over accounts. This attack is often carried out using credential databases obtained from large-scale data breaches or credential lists sold on the dark web. Attackers can be successful if users do not use different passwords for their online accounts or change their passwords regularly.
6. Rainbow Table Attack
A rainbow table attack is an attack method to crack passwords by using a database of pre-computed password hashes. This attack method involves an attacker finding the hash values of passwords and then matching these hashes to the passwords using a pre-computed rainbow table database.
The rainbow table database is a large table containing calculated hash values for many different passwords. Once attackers obtain a user's password hash, they can use this table to convert the hash value into the original password used in encryption.
By Which Tools Is Brute Force Attack Performed?
Nowadays, many free and commercial brute force tools are available. Popular among these are:
- hydra: Hydra is a brute force tool available for various operating systems such as Linux and Windows. This tool can be used for various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and SMB.
- Medusa: Medusa is a brute force tool that can be used for various protocols such as Hydra. These include SSH, Telnet, FTP, HTTP and more.
- Ncrack: Ncrack is a brute force tool available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. This tool can be used for many protocols such as SSH, RDP, FTP, Telnet and more.
- John the Ripper: John the Ripper is a brute force tool available for UNIX and Windows. This tool uses different methods to try username and password combinations.
- Cain & Abel:Cain & Abel is a brute force tool available for Windows. This tool supports most of the network protocols and can also crack wireless network passwords such as WEP and WPA.
What can you do to protect your websites from brute force attacks?
Since websites host users' personal information and sensitive data, it is extremely important that they are protected against brute force attacks. Here are some suggestions to protect your websites from brute force attacks:
- Implement Strong Password Policies:Ask your website users to use strong and complex passwords. Specify that passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper/lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Also, implement a policy of changing passwords periodically.
- Changing admin login addresses:Changing the administrator login addresses is an important step, especially for those using known CMS systems. For example, those using a CMS like WordPress, “wp-admin” They can be protected from Brute Force attacks by using a different login address instead.
- Use Two-Factor Authentication:Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of protection to users' accounts. In addition to their password, users can also access their accounts using an SMS code, a mobile application, or a physical device.
- Use IP Address-Based Access Controls:IP Address-based access controls can prevent malicious users from accessing your site by blocking traffic from specific IP addresses. This can be configured as a whitelist method, which only accepts traffic from certain IP addresses, or a blacklist method, which blocks traffic from certain IP addresses.
- Use CAPTCHA or ReCAPTCHA:CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA is a security feature used to distinguish between humans and bots trying to log into your website. Users may need to enter the verification code or select objects in a particular image. This can prevent bots from accessing your website.
- Apply Right to Try Restrictions:Give users a limited trial to log in to your website. For example, users can only make 3 incorrect password attempts and any further will temporarily lock their account.
- Use Web Firewall (WAF): Web Firewall (WAF) is a security measure that monitors traffic to your website and blocks malicious traffic. WAF can also protect against brute force attacks.
Precautions to Be Taken to Protect from Brute Force Attacks
Brute Force attacks can pose a major threat to individual users and businesses. Precautions to be taken to protect against such attacks may vary slightly. Here are the precautions that can be taken for individual users and businesses:
For Individual Users:
- Use Strong Password: Brute Force attacks are a type of attack in which cyber attackers try to access an account by automatically trying many password combinations. Therefore, users are required to use strong and complex passwords for their accounts. It should be noted that passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper/lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. It is also important to change passwords periodically.
- Use Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to users' accounts. In addition to their password, users can also access their accounts using an SMS code, a mobile application, or a physical device.
- Delete Unnecessary Accounts: It is important for users to delete accounts they do not use or need. This does not present an opportunity for cyber attackers to target.
- Make Security Updates: The operating system and applications should be updated regularly. Updates close known vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities and protect against Brute Force attacks.
For businesses:
- Implement a Strong Password Policy: Businesses should require their employees to use strong and complex passwords. Specify that passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain upper/lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. It is also important to change passwords periodically.
- Use Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of security to users' accounts. In addition to their password, users can also access their accounts using an SMS code, a mobile application, or a physical device.
- Limit User Login Errors: Businesses can impose limits on users' attempts to access their accounts. For example, if more than a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts are made in a certain time period, the account may be temporarily locked.
- Use Firewall and Security Software: Businesses can protect their networks by using tools such as firewalls and security software. These tools can protect against Brute Force attacks.
- Preventing Unauthorized Access: Businesses should only grant users access to network resources that are necessary for their business. This helps prevent unauthorized access and makes it harder for attackers to achieve their goals.
- Staff education: Businesses should train their staff on secure password use, social engineering attacks such as phishing emails, and other security issues. This allows staff to be more aware and proactive and helps them be better prepared against Brute Force attacks.
What damages can a Brute Force Attack cause in your business?
Brute Force attacks pose a major risk to businesses. These types of attacks pose a major threat because they can be made against user accounts that access various services of your business, as well as directly against your business's servers. Businesses that are vulnerable to Brute Force attacks may face many serious problems:
- Data Theft: Brute Force attacks can give cybercriminals access to your business's sensitive data. Your sensitive data may include important information such as customers' personal information, financial information, business secrets. Theft of this information could cause serious harm to your customers and your business.
- Service Interruption: Brute Force attacks can cause disruption to your business's services because they can be made directly to your business's servers. This may result in your customers not being able to benefit from your business's services and negatively impacting your business's reputation. Additionally, service interruptions may cause your business to suffer financial losses.
- Loss of Reputation: Brute Force attacks can cause serious damage to your business's reputation. Your customers may be concerned about the security of your business's data, which may cause your business to lose customers. Additionally, difficulties your customers experience in accessing your business's services can also negatively affect your business's reputation.
- Legal Issues: Brute Force attacks can lead to the theft of sensitive data belonging to your business's customers. This could cause your business to run into legal problems. Data breaches can lead to your business being sued by its customers, which can cause your business to suffer financial losses.
As a result, Brute Force attacks pose a serious threat to businesses, and protecting against these attacks is important for the survival of your business. Taking security measures against Brute Force attacks in your business helps protect your business's data and reputation.
InfinitumIt Penetration Testing Service
Penetration testing is a security test performed to detect weak spots in an organization's systems and identify vulnerabilities by attempting to gain unauthorized access to the system using them. InfinitumIT uses the latest technologies to provide realistic penetration tests to its customers and reports any security vulnerabilities to its customers. This service helps customers strengthen their security measures and reduce information security risks. InfinitumIT follows best practices to protect its customers' information security and customizes penetration testing services to suit their customers' needs.
- How to perform a Brute Force attack?A brute force attack is performed by trying all possible password combinations to access an account or password. Attackers can automatically try passwords using a program. This attack method is generally effective when passwords are weak or guessable.
- What are Brute Force algorithms?Different algorithms can be used for Brute Force attacks. Among them:
- Simple Brute Force: This is the most basic method in which the attacker tries all possible combinations.
- Dictionary Attack: This is the method in which the attacker tries passwords using a dictionary or word list.
- Hybrid Attack: It is a method in which the attacker tries passwords by making changes to a certain word or number combination.
- Rainbow Table Attack: It is a method in which the attacker tries to decipher passwords from a previously created table.
- How long does a brute force attack last?The duration of a Brute Force attack depends on the size of the attack, the target's security measures, and the attacker's resources. An account protected with strong passwords will be more resistant to attack. However, an attacker with high computer power and resources can get faster results.
- What does a brute force attack do?Brute Force attacks can be used to steal information or spread malware by hijacking accounts. Attackers can use the stolen information for different purposes. For example, they can steal money by capturing financial information, or they can steal personal information and cause phishing attacks.
- Can a brute force attack be detected? Is there a penalty?A Brute Force attack can usually be detected and you may face criminal penalties in most countries. Identifying attackers and prosecuting them can often be difficult. However, Brute Force attacks can be prevented or at least limited by taking the right security measures.