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25 Nisan 1947 tarihinde Amerika’nın ilk sivil Merkezi İstihbarat Direktörü Allen Dulles, dokuz sayfalık “the art of intelligence” olarak anılacak bir yazıyı senatoya sundu. Son yıllarda güvenlik ekosistemi tarafından da büyük ilgi gören OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), yani açık kaynak istihbarat, modeli üzerine çarpıcı iddiaları ve tespitleri vardı. Dulles günün sonunda “istihbarat” olarak nitelendirdikleri bilginin %80’ inin açık kaynaklardan elde edildiğini vurguladı. Bir süre sonra yine uzun yıllar CIA’de çalışan ve Boston Üniversitesinde eğitim veren asırlık deneyim Arthur S. Hulnick, tüm soğuk savaş döneminde Amerika’nın elde ettiği istihbaratın %80 kadarının açık kaynak istihbarat olarak elde edildiğini belirtti. Son olarak 2005 yılında, eski Merkezi İstihbarat yöneticisi W.M. Nolte Amerika’nın tüm istihbarat ekosisteminin %95-%98 civarının açık kaynak istihbarattan oluştuğunu söyledi.
OSINT, which has a very lasting impact on the cyber security ecosystem and its customers and arouses curiosity, is the name given to intelligence obtained from sources that are entirely "open", that is, accessible to everyone. All intelligence that does not require any authorization for access, including media content such as newspapers, radio and television, website and social media content, and open databases where all or some of them are stored, is called "Open Source Intelligence".
Sony has been the victim of hacking at least twenty-four times since 2011. Years later, they discovered one of the biggest cases, and even worse, that the malicious tools planted by the attacker were still running within the system. In this process, huge amounts of data were exposed on the internet and some of the financially valuable ones were offered for sale on the dark web.
It is a fact that cannot be ignored that information security is more important today than ever before. Security products, tests and employees are selected through a thousand sieves and integrated into person/institution ecosystems to prevent any "hacking" cases that may occur. But there is a very important point that goes unnoticed here; If you have already been the victim of a hacking incident and your data is circulating on the internet, how will you be notified? What is the fastest and most appropriate action to take in such a situation?
Many key intelligences, such as your organization's e-mail accounts and password information, your employees' e-mail/social media accounts and password information, your organization's inventory and access information, intelligence that can facilitate the work of any attacker, and important information that your competitors can use for financial espionage purposes, can be accessed in visible/invisible parts of the internet. Can you make sure it's not open?
Our Darkweb and Deepweb articles https://bulten.infinitumit.com.tr/deep-web-ve-dark-web-nedir/ You can access it via the link.
3W Analysis: Normal Web, Deep Web, Dark Web
Using the 3W Analysis service model, our experts track down important information about your organization by performing detailed searches on the web, deep and dark web, which can be easily accessed via search engines. It will be a privilege for your organization to be aware of any leaked or leaked data about your organization that will be caught in our network with our watchdogs placed at important endpoints of the dark web. We enable you to have a stronger guard by reporting intelligence, along with its sources, that could be used in any harmful activity against your organization. In addition to ongoing defensive measures, you will be aware of your weak points that you may have overlooked with the area dominance you will gain on the deep web / dark web.
Although defensive security products are improving day by day, the number of hacking cases does not decrease at the same rate. Therefore, you should realize before it's too late that the "watchdog" applications you have on your system may not be enough, and expand your domain dominance. Detailed research and analysis of information owned by institutions/organizations that will pose a danger if leaked has an extremely important place among the current and visionary approaches of cyber security.
The 3W header covers three main environments: Deep Web, Dark Web and Clear Web. Using our experience in cyber intelligence, we conduct research on every important point on the "web".
We agree that malicious hackers, called black hats, do not have a periodic or systematic attack scheme. Based on the research we have done and the information we have obtained, we recommend that you receive 3W analysis service once a year.
Established in 2017 to provide consultancy, service and support services on information security, Infinitum IT carries out studies within the framework of cyber incident response services, secure code development/analysis, penetration tests, and blue/red teamwork.
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